Sunday, August 26, 2012

It's Off to Work I Go!

I've been bugging Katie to let me go to work with her for ages and ages now, but she always says no.  I guess she really must have missed me while I was gone, because last Thursday night she finally said I could go with her! 

So on Friday morning I got up early and dressed up nice and we drove into the office.  Katie had to fill in for someone at the downtown branch, so we got to be right smack dab in the middle of the busy city, with cars and people going right by our windows all day.  It was neat.  I learned a lot about working in offices!!

The first thing I learned is that you have to drink a lot of coffee.  Even if you do not like coffee very much (or if you are not allowed to drink it, like me), you should still find something hot to drink like tea or hot chocolate because it's also usually very cold in offices.  It may be 85 degrees outside, but you'll be lucky if it's 65 degrees inside.

Once you have your nice hot beverage, it's time to buckle down and get to work on the computer!  I pretended I was doing some very difficult and complicated office-ey tasks, such as analyzing the Weekly Estimated Net Usage Statistics of...well, something.

That got boring after awhile, so I looked out the windows and watched all the cars and people going by.  You can see some interesting things in the middle of a downtown city, like a bike race, even though they rode by much too fast for a picture!

Then I played with the toy I brought along - my new Calico Critter!!  I got him with Hodel.  He is a baby squirrel and his name is William.  He is so cute and I love him so much.

Apparently offices tend to have lots of plants and decorative books sitting around that are not really meant to be read, but are just artfully arranged here and there for show.  William is very mischievous and likes to climb up on lots of things, so he had lots of good spots to play.

I had a good time on my first day in the working world!  But I think I'd rather keep going to school with my friends right now, so I'm glad I'm not grown up and ready to go out looking for jobs just yet. 

Plus, all the little clips holding up my mature twist hairdo gave me a headache. :)


  1. Oh, fun, I used to go to work with Mama everyday, I was our team mascot and everyone loved to make over my cute outfits and what Mama was making.

    I hate coffee, I drink lots of hot tea when the weather is cold inside or out. LOL!!

    Love Your outfit too, that turned out very cute and dressy for work.


  2. Anna Lee,

    That is so cool that Katie let you go to work with her! I think you look very much the part of a working woman. I love that dress on you; it's one of my favorites! That updo is very glamorous, too.

    You don't like coffee?! Maybe you'll grow into it. I have to have a cup every morning or else I'm not fully awake! LOL!

    Your new Calico Critter is adorable! The squirrels are some of my favorites. I haven't decided if I want any or not, though.


  3. LOL! Yeah, offices can be really neat, but a little boring if you're a kid. I used to take a lot of coloring books and my crayons w/ me when I went to work w/ my dad. But he worked in a community center, so sometimes I could do fun things, like visit the day care, the art room, or go on outings w/ Dad's secretary. Are you looking forward to starting school?
